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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries > Three layers of Cristom
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Three layers of Cristom

2nd place in the 237th Show & Tell competition:"Texture"

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/10.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mieke WA Minkjan20-Jun-2021 08:27
like the yellowish layers
larose forest photos19-Jun-2021 17:29
Amazing shot! The colours and the layers, as well as the textures, are outstandingly captured. V
Stephanie31-Jul-2018 13:54
Beautiful! V
LynnH31-Jul-2018 00:31
Very nicely composed. V
larose forest photos30-Jul-2018 01:45
The layering in this shot is phenomenal! Beautiful! V
carol j. phipps30-Jul-2018 01:11
Beautiful layers! V
Jola Dziubinska29-Jul-2018 23:28
Beautiful layers, Marcus, nicely seen. V.
cits_4_pets29-Jul-2018 22:34
Love this, reminds me of Freeman Patterson's work. Nice thirds and love the diagonal line in the middle row. v
laine29-Jul-2018 20:11
What a beautiful display of colour and texture. Congratulations.
Gaétan Bolduc05-Feb-2013 17:56
Excellent coposition & textures
Margaret Lew06-Jun-2012 06:50
Love the colors, textures and composition! It would be a favorite of mine too.
Arnie Peterschmidt31-Oct-2011 05:33
Excellent composition with the changes in color, slope and texture.