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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon Powershot G12

Canon Powershot G12 Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 14-Sep-2010
Megapixels: 10
Random Canon Powershot G12 Samples from 26330 available Photos more
g9/04/973404/3/164763702.b8YnxgfD.jpg g2/32/1037132/3/148530988.Ik3eyRmq.jpg g9/24/643724/3/153545786.U1jZ8rew.jpg g9/39/515239/3/154252669.tVsDN65h.jpg
g4/70/69970/3/137441323.txKz3zW8.jpg g4/49/919249/3/144267681.QL5jb8aX.jpg g9/79/574879/3/151818903.cphi9zcQ.jpg g4/76/315876/3/136506702.VHi4WBNA.jpg
g2/25/1071225/3/147922980.UVFfGFtw.jpg g4/82/586882/3/139724809.bUQOwvgI.jpg g9/46/3146/3/162515071.MkPO9zTZ.jpg g9/67/602767/3/151300455.AcV86ylZ.jpg

Dani Barchana22-Feb-2013 16:01
It is a very nice camera, I use it ,ainly underwater.
Cons are 2
1. very slow to focus in macro mode.
2. in M mode the flash is NOT TTL !!!! So when underwater, you have to adjust the stribe manually !
Guest 25-Nov-2011 21:34
The G12 is probably the best in the G-Series to date. Canon got everything right at long last! :) The 10MP sensor takes some beating and the digic 4 processor gets the job done too. I see the G12 as a dslr without interchangeable lenses, and this to my mind is a good thing. Okay, the lens on the G12 is 'not' as classy as the lens on my current dslr, but then my lens cost like 4 times the G12 price-tag, so no complaints there!
I can't fault the G12 in any way, and can only find minor issues to mention here. I take lots of night-shots, so I'd like to have seen a longer shutter time than just the 15 seconds Canon gave us. 30 seconds would make a huge difference and 'bulb' surely must have been a feasable option too? Everything about the G12 is spot-on!
Still not sure though as I am eyeing the Nikon P7100. :)
ThomasH31-Dec-2010 16:03
I am sure we have way, way more images madeby this camera than the "20" as indicated on Dec. 31 2010. The reason is that the EXIF camera name as recognized by PBase is "Canon Canon PowerShot G12" and that is not mapped to the proper link in the camera database.

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