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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> AMERICAN SOUTHWEST 2011 & 2012 >> THE MONUMENT VALLEY > Reflections From Monument Valley
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18-JUL-2011 Jola Dziubinska

Reflections From Monument Valley

Arizona, USA

Other reflections can be seen here

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/200s f/7.1 at 29.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ken Zaret29-Jul-2020 18:44
Ken Zaret29-Jul-2020 18:43
Congratulations Jola, this image wins the 559th PBase Show & Tell Competition: Window Reflections
carol j. phipps28-Jul-2020 22:47
Outstanding, Jola! V
Rob Legeland02-Mar-2014 15:31
Great composition! Well seen, Jola!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-Sep-2011 23:12
Nice :)
norbi30-Aug-2011 13:22
A different and creative view on Monument Valley. v. norbi
René Gysi20-Aug-2011 10:01
All in one image is compressed. Excellent composition Jola! V
Guest 13-Aug-2011 10:23
Excellent composition Jola !!!
Long Bach Nguyen10-Aug-2011 14:37
great composition and love the reflection
Guest 09-Aug-2011 22:12
Wow..........You did it again!
franz08-Aug-2011 21:07
Go west! bv Jola
Mieke WA Minkjan08-Aug-2011 09:25
imopressive capture Jola
Maaike Huizer08-Aug-2011 08:36
Impressive landscape. I love this.
Guest 08-Aug-2011 05:39
Very well taken, Jola and nice tot see you :-)
Guest 08-Aug-2011 02:16
Great capture Jola!!! Wonderful reflections and colors! V
Cindi Smith07-Aug-2011 23:07
Oh, this is good....very good! LoVe this!
Bill Ewart Jr07-Aug-2011 14:36
Wonderful trip reflection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LynnH07-Aug-2011 13:10
That is so fabulous! It's beautiful! V
Yvonne07-Aug-2011 06:36
Classy shot Jola, a real beauty! v
borisalex07-Aug-2011 04:49
Been there, done that..beautiful!
Janice Dunn07-Aug-2011 01:09
And what an awesome place to visit too. Great catch Jola..
Ilana gil07-Aug-2011 00:47
Great image! i love it very much! Vote
Fay Stout07-Aug-2011 00:37
Though I have seen manu photos of Monument Valley, I have never been there. I like this shot very much!
Guest 06-Aug-2011 23:57
this is great seeing the attraction and the spectators in one pose. Vµ
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes06-Aug-2011 23:07
Arhh good capture of reflections here Jola.. with an amazing and coliourful scene behind you.
Laryl06-Aug-2011 17:59
fabulous!! I'd like to see that someday, and it's not that far away that I shouldn't.. glad you got there
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