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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 > Pink Cloud Creature
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Sandi Whitteker

Pink Cloud Creature

Highway 395, California

There are clouds and there are CLOUDS. The colors and shapes of this one grabbed me so hard that, even
though I was on the way home from long trip, I just had to stop and try to capture it. What you can't
see is that it's a great huge cloud that took up much of the sky, so it's a stitched pano of four shots.

Honorable Mention, 194th Show and Tell Contest, "Panoramic Landscape"

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Brandon Mardon12-Aug-2011 08:22
Beautiful shot!
endre novak01-Sep-2010 22:10
cool! vell seen.
Marcia Rules08-Aug-2010 18:51
that's a wonderful photo..V!
Alina07-Aug-2010 11:34
fantastic, v
Marco Valk03-Aug-2010 10:57
Amazing scene; nice tight framing. gmv
Graeme02-Aug-2010 21:23
Beautiful cloud formation and colours.V
Giancarlo Guzzardi02-Aug-2010 07:07
marvellouse cloud, love it, beautiful motion sense too and horizontal crop
Simon Chandler02-Aug-2010 02:44
Fantastic capture, dramatic and attractive. v
Patricia Kay01-Aug-2010 16:40
Stunning image Sandi...BV
Jim Coffman01-Aug-2010 15:24
A fascinating and beautiful capture,Sandi!
Scott Browne01-Aug-2010 15:19
Turned out great!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)01-Aug-2010 15:07
Well done Sandi, beautiful colour...
Carol Rollins01-Aug-2010 13:42
CM Kwan01-Aug-2010 10:43
Wonderful capture and cropping, Sandi! V
Gerard Koehl01-Aug-2010 06:27
Superbe ciel coloré... V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad01-Aug-2010 05:16
Terrific colour!
lou_rozensteins01-Aug-2010 01:09
A great monster in the sky, and beautifully coloured too. Great capture!
Sam Rua31-Jul-2010 23:00
Well seen and presented, Sandi. Very nice pano.
Guest 31-Jul-2010 18:00
Very interesting, the long cloud seems to have two eyes and a snout at its front. Great shot, V
Phillip Normanton31-Jul-2010 17:16
An explosion of pink-powder!
globalgadabout31-Jul-2010 16:29
like a prehistoric fish...wonderful evocative cloudscape...V
McGarva31-Jul-2010 16:25
A fine art image! ... wonderful shapes and drama ... V
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