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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 > First Light Hits the Tufas at Mono Lake
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Sandi Whitteker

First Light Hits the Tufas at Mono Lake

Mono Lake, California

Up BEFORE the chickens and hiking out to the tufas in the dark, my hands so cold
I only exposed my fingers long enough to snap a pic. What a sight though.
Truly worth all this and more, to enjoy the beauty of dawn on Mono Lake.

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Glenn Dean (Vatorman)18-May-2010 02:36
Amazing beauty while others sleep. V
Randy Adams13-May-2010 10:23
Fantastic Sandi! Thanks for sharing with us! V
Guest 12-May-2010 17:40
Fantastic light, Sandi. The reflection is superb. V
CM Kwan12-May-2010 12:05
This is so beautiful, Sandi! V
Patricia Kay12-May-2010 07:14
Wonderful moody image Sandi...BV
Sam Rua12-May-2010 02:56
Nice comp and light, Sandi.
Robbie D7011-May-2010 21:20
Great shot , this looks alien and yet beautiful.
you did amazingly well in those rough conditions.
Peter Sussex11-May-2010 20:54
Incredible atmosphere and scenic beauty!
Jim Coffman11-May-2010 17:12
This is a truly awesome image! I would love to visit here. V
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