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Sandi Whitteker | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395

I'm sure you've all had trips that are doomed from the start. That was this trip for me. I headed out looking for some
Autumn colors in the Eastern Sierras, and found high winds that blew all the pretty leaves off the trees, a snow storm
that froze everything and closed Tioga pass so I couldn't get through to my prepaid photo workshop, which became a moot
point when MY CAR BROKE DOWN, to the tune of 4 days in the shop and some costly repairs. I did manage a couple of shots,
but between the wind and 2 degree temps in the mountains, autumn colors all but disappeared. About the only good thing that
happened on this ill-fated trip, was when I was able to talk the Highway Patrolman out of giving me the speeding ticket!

At Last... Clouds for Sunrise at Mono
At Last... Clouds for Sunrise at Mono
After the Snow... Before the Frost
After the Snow... Before the Frost
Back to Highway 395
Back to Highway 395
Less Than Glorious Name... Glorious View
Less Than Glorious Name... Glorious View
Shack with a View
Shack with a View
Bit of Fall Color... Bit of  Snow
Bit of Fall Color... Bit of Snow
Mono Lake Tufas
Mono Lake Tufas
Colorful Morning on Mono Lake
Colorful Morning on Mono Lake
Pretty Creek
Pretty Creek
Clearing Storm
Clearing Storm
Road Less Traveled
Road Less Traveled
Mono Magic
Mono Magic
Clouds Above and Below
Clouds Above and Below
Peachy Dawn at Mono Lake
Peachy Dawn at Mono Lake
More Mono Magic
More Mono Magic
Near and Distant Tufas
Near and Distant Tufas
Man and Fish
Man and Fish
Last Rays of the Day
Last Rays of the Day
More Mono Lake Drama
More Mono Lake Drama
June Lake Loop Dressed for Autumn
June Lake Loop Dressed for Autumn
Along My Favorite Stretch of Road
Along My Favorite Stretch of Road
Sweet Scene
Sweet Scene
Drama of the High Sierras
Drama of the High Sierras
Warm Light at End of Day
Warm Light at End of Day
At last... a Sunrise to Remember...
At last... a Sunrise to Remember...
And the Sunrise Colors Lingered On...
And the Sunrise Colors Lingered On...
Alpen Glow with Tufas
Alpen Glow with Tufas
Faces of Mono Lake
Faces of Mono Lake
Alpine Glow and Tufas - Yummy!
Alpine Glow and Tufas - Yummy!
First Snow
First Snow
More Mono
More Mono
Early Morning Fire
Early Morning Fire
First Light Hits the Tufas at Mono Lake
First Light Hits the Tufas at Mono Lake
Pink Cloud Creature
Pink Cloud Creature
Alpine Glow at Mono Lake - HDR Version
Alpine Glow at Mono Lake - HDR Version
It's Always a Surprise... Sunrise
It's Always a Surprise... Sunrise
Closer Look
Closer Look
Mono in B&W
Mono in B&W
Mono Tufas... and Clouds!
Mono Tufas... and Clouds!
Mono Simplicity
Mono Simplicity
Mono Lake Dawn
Mono Lake Dawn