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Hubert Steed | all galleries >> Places >> New York City >> Manhattan Neighborhoods >> Lower Manhattan >> East Village >> 3rd Avenue & the Bowery > 'Forever Tall' Mural
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12-JUN-2004 Hubert J Steed

'Forever Tall' Mural

Bowery & 6th Street - East Village NYC

August 1, 2004. Today, the New York Times reports that the bridge portion of the mural has been painted over with a "Wall for Rent" sign.

Apparently, the wall is owned by Cooper Union College and they estimate that the wall will bring in $5,000 to $10,000 a month in advertising revenue.

Cooper Union and a nonprofit group, CityArts, sponsored the mural at a cost of about $70,000 shortly after the 911 tragedy.

It was created by Hope Gangloff and Jason Search and student artists.

November 2004. The image was completely painted out and is no longer there.

For more building murals see .

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/160s f/8.0 at 30.0mm iso100 full exif

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