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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries > w6.jpg
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This photo is the winner of the 105th Show & Tell Competition: What's Happening?

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/200s f/10.0 at 27.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mary Bowles28-Feb-2015 17:01
Oh yes.
When I saw the thumbnail I heard music.
But now that I see it for what it is, I was not far wrong.
The sings "rhythm".
A beautiful capture.
Patrick Goossens12-Sep-2014 14:56
It's a winner for shure.
Maurice Burke Photography29-Apr-2013 15:45
Excellent "real life abstract" photo. Well seen and executed.
Ken Zaret23-Feb-2011 02:42
cits_4_pets08-Dec-2008 06:22
Great use of shadows, nice abstract...v
monica memoli04-Dec-2008 02:15
Great! v
peterschmidt27-Feb-2006 05:11
Intriguing images, good capture as they say. I like this one.... Arn