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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries > window washer silhouette
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window washer silhouette

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This picture took first place in the 10th Show & Tell competition on the topic "Work".

I was in my office one day when the window washing crew cleaned our windows. The sun was perfectly positioned to cast shadows on the drapes in my office. I didn't have my own camera at work, but I ran and found the 300D we use in the lab to shoot with.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/125s f/7.1 at 22.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Abescat Charles18-Sep-2014 08:52
Patrick Goossens12-Sep-2014 14:56
Wonderful and well seen.
Konrad Busslinger24-Oct-2012 04:28
Well seen Markus. Really a unique photo you have taken at the right moment.
Guest 25-Oct-2008 13:07
Definitely outstanding ! So true what you say about not having the camera there , when you need it !

All the best,

Lars Molin
carol j. phipps15-May-2007 02:22
Unique and wonderful! Vote
monica memoli28-Feb-2007 23:31
Great shot. v
Rene Hales21-Jun-2006 14:55
This is a great image. Fantastic composition. I saw it in the S&T #10 Contest.--Rene