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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> PsoD > Alte Freunde
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Alte Freunde

Photoexperiment from 1977. 3 exposures on one negative. Developed it myself in my darkroom…

I'm the young guy on the right….

Nikon LS-5000
0.00s full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ken Zaret25-Jun-2016 23:29
Great shot Markus. Or should I say shots.
Mary Bowles28-Feb-2015 16:56
A great montage of memories, featuring old friends.
Well done you.
It was good to experiment 'in-camera' and then race to the darkroom to see if the result matched the mind's-eye view.
Big Vote !
Julie Oldfield21-Jan-2015 03:21
Wonderful to see! V
regi olbrechts20-Jan-2015 07:13
Great piece of work Markus