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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Scavenger Hunts >> August 2021 Scavenger hunt: Movie Titles > Field of Dreams
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Field of Dreams

Scanned old negative from 1977

Nikon LS-5000
0.00s full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mieke WA Minkjan10-Aug-2021 08:10
a wonderful photo composition
carol j. phipps06-Aug-2021 00:47
Agree with Christine. Fabulous. V
larose forest photos05-Aug-2021 19:53
What a fabulous shot this is, great details, especially given it was scanned from an old negative. V
jhbailey08-Aug-2016 03:22
Really wonderful texture throughout the image.
Julie Oldfield23-Jan-2015 04:21
The composition and color are wonderful. V