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Tex - Michael Carpenter

I will never forget finding the schematics to your vehicle,
after you died, from when you asked for help fixing your truck.

I will never forget when your mom used to call Gerlach Office
to give you news from home. Your family adored you.

Nikon Coolpix 800
1/60s f/4.2 at 10.4mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
kim 07-Jul-2009 14:21
I knew Michael in the early 80's, we lived in San Luis Obispo and Los Angeles. I am sorry to hear of his passing and have fond memories. Does anyone know what happened? Email me at if you have any information to share
ginger petunia22-Jul-2004 22:46
In memory of Michael Carpenter. July 2004.