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sant elvis - Erik Adolphson

-I will never forget your life stories.

-I was so pissed you died young, what an amazing artist.
But the tortured kind. Everybody wanted to help and tried.

-Couldn't stop numbing. Couldn't live. Sometimes time is time.

-Died of over self medicating with heroin, too much, too long, now gone.

other sizes: small original auto
Guest 12-Nov-2010 18:37
I was talking to a co-worker today regarding a creepy Santa website. I had mentioned to her about this event and my buddy Sketchy (Erik). So I went back to my desk, googled him, and found this photo. I was really happy to find it, it made my day. I remember when EK created this photo. Erik was a good friend and I still miss him.
Carl 11-12-10
ginger petunia03-Feb-2003 00:59
A friend of Erik designed this caca-fony cover for him. Erik and his design buddies used to mock up stuff with images for each other as practice. The photo is circa December Santacon 99. This was the first DC santacon and everyone subconsciously picked out the same kind of black backpack for personal use during the event. Funny that some 20 people all had on the same bag: men, women, younger, older. Erik sent this picture to me thru AIM during chat. I found it in my cache after he died at age 31 from improper size self-medication dose.