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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro & Other Experiments > Bubbles
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We had fun at the photography club meeting last night playing
around with bubbles and macro lenses.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg12-Apr-2020 16:22
Incredibly cool and different, not to mention attractive. I would never have guessed this was an image of bubbles. ~BV~
Nirvan Hope03-Mar-2020 02:57
Ethereal creativity!
Pierre02-Mar-2020 11:32
Une très belle réalisation dans ce nouvelle expérience! V
Patricia Kay01-Mar-2020 19:28
Just fabulous Gill...sounds like you are in a fun photography club...BV
Graeme01-Mar-2020 19:07
This is just amazing, Gill. Well done! V
globalgadabout01-Mar-2020 17:35
lots of fizz here, and pretty pastels too...fine work Gill..
Walter Otto Koenig01-Mar-2020 16:55
Very nice work. I like the colors. "V"
Apostolos Tikopoulos01-Mar-2020 16:46
So beautiful and creative work. V.
Helen Betts01-Mar-2020 16:11
Very pretty, and very creative! V.
janescottcumming01-Mar-2020 15:39
That does look like fun. Love the colors.
bill friedlander01-Mar-2020 14:35
Contemporary art at its finest. V
Neil Marcus01-Mar-2020 14:27
That's pretty amazing, Gill
Jeff Real01-Mar-2020 14:01
I wish I could go to your photography club!
This is simply amazing!
I love what you have done here!
danad01-Mar-2020 11:55
A very fine work ! V.
barbarajoy01-Mar-2020 10:44
Looks so good! How clever! V
Yvonne01-Mar-2020 10:32
Looks like it was great fun.... love the colouring! v
Tom LeRoy01-Mar-2020 09:36
Fun and very creative! V
Pieter Bos01-Mar-2020 09:05
Great tones and very creative! ~V
John Vass01-Mar-2020 08:18
Interesting! I am with Charlene! Must be fun! V
joseantonio01-Mar-2020 08:00
a lovely and creative image.V
Charlene Ambrose01-Mar-2020 06:48
Excellent composition. Must be a really fun group! V
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