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Canon EOS 6D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

g9/87/331787/3/150715217.rDNTicGz.jpgg9/87/331787/3/150715211.oHKR25gH.jpgg9/87/331787/3/150715225.usL6HOMA.jpgg9/87/331787/3/150715222.EFi2goHH.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 17-Sep-2012
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 20.2
Random Canon EOS 6D Samples from 171852 available Photos more
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Richard Stone04-Dec-2013 15:12
I recently purchased a Canon 6D so that I could have two cameras when travelling (my other camera being the Canon 7D). I am so impressed with the 6D I hardly ever use the 7D now! I am not sure of the technical reasons why but it probably has to do with the fact that the camera has a full frame sensor. In addition the low light capability of the camera is absolutely amazing and is great for museums, etc where you are not allowed to use a flash!

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