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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lumby Days > Lumby_Days_bike_rider
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Lumby, BC

While the belly dancers were doing their thing,
some nervous looking parents were watching this event !!
This is the last entry in this gallery.

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Arthur Lebacq30-Jul-2022 13:06
An amazing action shot.....great timing and perfectly framed and composed......well done....BV
Carol E Sandgren17-Jun-2022 17:29
Yikes! He's just about let go of that bike in mid-air! Great catch!
Zoltán Balogh16-Jun-2022 11:46
Wow...this is just amazing! V
Jola Dziubinska20-Oct-2020 22:31
Fantastic dynamic shot. V.
Apostolos Tikopoulos26-Aug-2019 17:09
Excellent action shot and timing. V.
barbarajoy18-Aug-2019 12:47
Fantastic!! A winner Gill. V
janescottcumming03-Jul-2019 11:19
Wow, I'd be nervous if that was my kid too! Great catch. V
Dan Greenberg02-Jul-2019 01:41
Incredible mid air catch of this hard to look away from insanity. It is fun to watch as long as nothing bad happens. ~BV~
Marcia Rules01-Jul-2019 17:16
Holy smokes! I hope his health insurance provider doesn't see this ~ BV
Walter Otto Koenig01-Jul-2019 15:57
Great timing to get this super action shot. "V"
Jeff Real01-Jul-2019 15:14
This is heart stopping!
What an incredible photograph!
bill friedlander01-Jul-2019 14:21
Wow! Awesome capture. V
globalgadabout01-Jul-2019 13:45
high flying action superbly captured...bravo Gill..
John Vass01-Jul-2019 13:19
Hope for a happy landing! Great shot! V
Neil Marcus01-Jul-2019 12:48
An outstanding picture. It looks like he's barely holding on.. Big Vote
Helen Betts01-Jul-2019 12:16
Perfect timing to get this spectacular capture! V.
joseantonio01-Jul-2019 11:39
amazing timing for this great jump.V
Yvonne01-Jul-2019 10:24
I can see why some parents would be rather nervous! v
Graeme01-Jul-2019 09:10
A fine end to this gallery, Gill.V!!
danad01-Jul-2019 08:27
What a timing ! V.
chris morton01-Jul-2019 07:07
more like bike pilot, assuming he has a finger left touching it
Nirvan Hope01-Jul-2019 04:54
Jean D01-Jul-2019 04:34
That's what I call a true action shot. Hopefully the driver landed safely. ~V
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