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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tanzania - a Journey Home > Bob Marley.jpg
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10-OCT-2014 Gill Kopy

Bob Marley.jpg

Mbeya, Tanzania

In dire need of a hat I stopped here to find one. This
guy a Bob Marley fan, managed to find one for me after
running up the street :) He was very proud of his
ivory necklace.

Canon EOS 6D
1/100s f/5.0 at 140.0mm iso4000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis18-Dec-2014 04:36
An exceptional portrait!
Buz Kiefer09-Dec-2014 11:38
Fine, eye catching portrait. Vote
Claude09-Dec-2014 02:39
Beatiful portrait.V
bill friedlander05-Dec-2014 19:00
A fine portrait, I like the slight tilt of the head. Terrific light too! V
Tom LeRoy05-Dec-2014 18:53
A very natural portrait, and with such colorful necklaces. Glad he got you a hat too! V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Dec-2014 16:53
A very sympathetic and expressive portrait of this thoughtful looking young man. "V"
globalgadabout05-Dec-2014 15:28
a sympathetic fellow, handsome and sincere hat and lots of local bling too...brings to mind Marley's song 'Lively Up Yourself...V
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-Dec-2014 14:13
Very nice portrait work. V.
Alexander Kazakov05-Dec-2014 13:08
Good portrait! V
Helen Betts05-Dec-2014 12:26
Excellent portrait technically, and you captured quite a marvelous expression as well. V.
Neil Marcus05-Dec-2014 12:05
A bood looking young man. A very nice portrait of him."V"
peterjay4505-Dec-2014 11:42
Excellent portrait!
joseantonio05-Dec-2014 04:52
Very nice portrait.V
Guest 05-Dec-2014 03:02
Wonderful portrait. New ivory is not available today. His piece looks old, therefore legitimate.pretty colored beads. V
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