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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Main Stock Archive >> Panoramas > Hawk Dreaming Sunrise Cloudscape Panorama
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21-SEP-2008 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Hawk Dreaming Sunrise Cloudscape Panorama

Australia, Northern Territory, Kakadu, Hawk Dreaming

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A spectacular morning at Hawk Dreaming. As I was shooting this mosquitoes were eating me alive but it was well worth it.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 28-Jun-2009 16:34
I say WOW! What a great scene you have here. Dramatic landscape, well controlled ligh. Well done!
Simon Prosser02-Feb-2009 14:23
Fantastic, great use of wide-angle panoramic. V.
lou_rozensteins10-Oct-2008 23:19
Another beauty!