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Simon Prosser | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Simon Prosser
Name Simon Prosser (joined 14-Dec-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username simon_prosser
Location United Kingdom
United Kingdom
View Galleries : Simon Prosser has 66 galleries and 1161 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 532197 times.

View Guestbook : 8 messages. Most recent on 27-Jan-2024.

Message from Simon Prosser
Welcome to my photography pages! I took up photography in the summer of 2005, but I only have time to take pictures intermittently, so I've just been trying to make gradual progress over the years. I mainly shoot seascapes and other landscapes around Fife, Scotland, though I've recently had the opportunity to go a little farther afield. These days I usually use digital cameras - currently a Canon R5, which is great - but many of my older images were taken on film in the 4x5 inch, 6x7cm, or panoramic formats.

When I get the chance I also sometimes shoot the aurora borealis or other unusual phenomena in the sky.
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