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July 5th 2007 Dennis Camp

Got Jesus

Street Corner - Lahaina Maui

Philip was a good man and nodded permission for me to capture him.
Brother Philip passed away on June 11, 2008
Lahaina Maui

other sizes: small medium original auto
tresjbenet24-Apr-2011 01:41
great image!
Michele 11-Dec-2008 22:31
Thank you for sharing this photo. I had spent many days walking past this icon, even stopping to speak, with camera in hand and never took the incline to get a shot. Wow, what I have learned from both him and your insiteful Photo.
GP Merfeld01-Nov-2008 04:53
Outstanding! A capture to keep his memory forever alive...
Guest 16-Jun-2008 06:22
You have captured the essense of an icon. Brother Philip passed away on June 11, 2008, and has gone home to be with the LORD, ending a 35 year outdoor ministry. RIP
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Jul-2007 15:57
Excellent, Vote :)
Guest 27-Jul-2007 11:20
This is a fabulous street shot...from the t-shirt, to the reading material, to what seems from behind the reflective glasses a gaze directed straight at you. I wish we could feel like it was a tighter shot without losing what is behind and to his back-right (the cars)...I think they provide a good sense of place.
j>a>e>17 :):):)27-Jul-2007 10:32
i see you found the king of maui wowie :):):)
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