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Ernst van Loon | all galleries >> Scapes and Places >> Maastricht > Dominicanerkerk
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2006-12-10 Ernst van Loon


Maastricht (Limburg), Netherlands view map

Coffee corner in the former church choir.
This church has been out of religious service for over 200 years and has since been used as storage for the Maastricht fire brigade, temporary post office, exposition, carnival hall and bicycle parking. After restoration in 2006 the building now houses a bookstore and coffee corner.
Update: According to British newspaper The Guardian (2008-01-11), this is the most beautiful bookshop in the world...

Canon EOS 20D ,Tamron SP AF 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di LD IF
1/40s f/6.3 at 17.0mm iso400 handheld full exif

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