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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Others >> Most viewed > Satyre (Faune) playing flute - Paris
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Satyre (Faune) playing flute - Paris


Olympus C-8080WZ
If you wish a print of this picture contact me at : Eric [dot]
Pouhier@Gmail [dot] com full exif

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janescottcumming11-Apr-2010 01:03
What a great photo! Makes me want to grab an instrument and start marching with him.
Francisco Figueras26-Dec-2009 18:13
excellent compo!
Fay Stout04-Jun-2009 01:41
Very well done! V.
Nuno 08-Jan-2009 02:36
This isn't Pan, and even if it were, he's not the god of creativity.
Pan, in Greek religion and mythology, is the god of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music.
He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. He is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring.
Guest 25-Nov-2008 03:36
I like it... Original... Brilliant...
Alice 26-Jun-2008 10:25
c'est une silhouette qui est très élégante et délicate etqui incarne parfaitement la culture héllènistique.Très bien vu, exellente composition, comme d'habitude car je suis ta plus grande fan.
Agnes T. Ackerl12-Jun-2008 18:56
He has done his job well to inspire you to this beautiful photo! :-) great shot ~V
Michel CORBOZ27-Nov-2006 13:12
Magnifique mise en boite !!!
Andrys Basten15-Nov-2006 22:17
Ultra effective !
George Christakos16-Jul-2006 14:25
Our ancient God in a perfect statue, perfectly captured. Bravo. V.
Azlin Ahmad09-May-2006 19:21
Wonderful composition and exposure. This shot captures so much joy, I can almost hear the music :)
Guest 14-Jan-2006 14:14
Très belle silhouette qui donne une impression de mouvement. On a l'impression qu'il va dansant. A mon avis, il y a plusieurs excellentes photos dans cette gallerie. Christine P. Newman
Georgia Roessler11-Dec-2005 12:35
Great idea to do this as a silhouette. Very well composed and executed.
Excellent shot!
Kevin Chan10-Nov-2005 08:48
Great silhouette, powerful image
Adalberto Tiburzi20-Sep-2005 08:08
It's me !
Guest 11-Sep-2005 10:38
I like the angled framing of the hedges
Michel Carlué25-Aug-2005 14:02
Somptueuement et simplement beau, j'en redemande !
Luc VN26-Jul-2005 07:27
Trs bonne composition et excellent contre-jour.
Bien vu et bien fait!
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor08-Jun-2005 17:08
Excellent silhouette. Very dramatic and mysterious.
Guest 30-May-2005 20:33
very nice
Antonis Sarantos30-May-2005 19:19
Great silhouette!!! Excellent light work!
Bob Smith30-May-2005 18:54
This is super! I need a shot of Pan's creativity today.
Guest 30-May-2005 18:23
very well framed! Good shot!
Steven Jusczyk30-May-2005 18:05
Is this an SP? Great shot.
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