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Emily Neel | all galleries >> Critters >> Butterflies > Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
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Aug-2003 Emily

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Durham, NC

other sizes: small medium original auto
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SmartmilToys.com12-Nov-2016 08:08
Beautiful Butterfly!!
guest 20-May-2011 18:22
i love it !!!!!
danieska lopez 20-May-2011 18:19
this is like the best pic i have seen from all the rest !!!!!!
mag1c21-Oct-2010 20:27
Nice photo
Culinary Schools in California
Guest 18-Sep-2009 15:53
that butterfly is amazing awesome
Guest 21-Jul-2009 20:49
love the pic!
Guest 16-Feb-2009 20:40
Awesome!! I have to do a report on a swallow tail butterfly and i didn't know what it looked like so thank you very much!!! I love butterflies!! Very good close up shot!!!!
charm 27-Sep-2008 21:32
wow you need to have this availbale so w can purchase them as a screen saver. I would love to have this on my desktop
Guest 06-May-2008 01:07
This is the most Glourious phothgraph I have seen!
I am leraning about the tiger swallowtail butterfly
isabella 21-Mar-2008 01:53
Your picture is like the coolest picture of a butterfly i've seen
Guest 16-Mar-2008 22:04
That's a really good closeup shot!!! woooohoooo fo U!!!:)
Guest 21-Nov-2007 23:25
That's a real nice closeup shot!
Guest 11-Nov-2007 22:22
This is a GLORIOUS photograph! Congratulations, Ms. Neel.

Karen Cook, Bellingham, WA
Guest 10-Nov-2007 23:15
that butterfly is good.
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