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Fujichrome Provia 100F Film Sample Photos

Random Fujichrome Provia 100F Samples from 7264 available Photos more
g4/19/515319/3/138607910.is6EzDDx.jpg g2/55/301655/3/66033588.nvlJhlkp.jpg g9/41/290441/3/161840125.29qx1sWL.jpg g4/77/677577/3/137263648.dPUs92NT.jpg
g3/06/446006/3/58486912.CaniondoItainbezinho13.jpg u25/romanm/medium/40701503.uglich_0002_small.jpg g6/13/770613/3/83117695.KxpCpdkg.jpg u33/moehling/medium/36034310.mandarinorientalcentralparkview48thfloor11.jpg
g4/28/846728/3/145369574.p9YH8f2t.jpg g4/75/646675/3/59343886.BERBodie101BTNTgg.jpg g9/51/428851/3/154368492.00iYML8G.jpg g13/30/528330/3/39728517.931822e7.JPEG

J Ponces09-Dec-2011 14:45
Are you talking about Provia 100 (this film) or Velvia 100?
They are quite different films! Both colours, contrast and grain are different...
ThomasH29-Nov-2005 08:35
Velvia 100F is in my eyes a bizarre material with unstable properties in shadows.
Your mileage may vary, I call it a blunder.

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