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Emily Neel | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Emily Neel
Name Emily Neel (joined 01-Oct-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username emily
Personal URL
Location North Carolina, United States
North Carolina, United States
View Galleries : Emily Neel has 136 galleries and 3542 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 4771146 times.

View Guestbook : 76 messages. Most recent on 27-May-2014.

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Message from Emily Neel

Thanks for stopping by my corner of PBase. If you don't know... in addition to being a PBase user, I also work here. Feel free to drop me a line if you have a question or if you'd just like to say Hi. I hope you're enjoying the site and my photos.


Some Emily News:
- I graduated in December, 2004 with a BS in Computer Science from The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Woo Hoo!
- I used to be Emily Humphrey. I got married to Slug on 22-July-2005, and am now Emily Neel. You can see wedding photos at .
- April, 2006 - I'm pregnant! Check out my pregnancy blog at .
- December, 2006 - I am now a mommy. On December 27, 2006, I gave birth to Lucy Jane Neel. Go to to see photos of Lucy.
- July, 2008 - I am now a mommy of two! On July 24, 2008, I gave birth to Carden Stuart Neel. Go to to see photos of Carden.
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