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Vienna. Austria

My entry to this weeks Transglobal Thursday Fun-Challenge "A Step over the Line"

One step further, and you enter one of Vienna's most notorious admininstrative bodies, the Vienna Traffic Authority. You have to go there to register a new car, get a driving license etc. While other parts of Vienna's administration have improved quite a lot in recent years, here everything is done old style. So expect long and unexplainable waiting time and unfriendly officers. As for the arrows, obviously some time ago somebody developed a kind of guidance system, but meanwhile, nobody knows what they were good for anymore....

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sue Robertson30-Sep-2006 06:01
Terrific! I love this answer to the challenge. v
Dave Wixx30-Sep-2006 02:22
Love the movement. If it's anything like the vehicle places here you'll hope the arrows point out!!
Guest 29-Sep-2006 23:26
Great challenge shot!! nice colours & blur
1moremile29-Sep-2006 22:13
Excellent colorful image.
Al Chesworth29-Sep-2006 20:24
Nice one, running in.
shatterbug29-Sep-2006 03:57
Great find! Love the motion blur!
carol j. phipps29-Sep-2006 03:41
Nice action.
Guest 29-Sep-2006 03:19
LOL - what you describe - the mood of administrative offices, seems awfully familiar - as for the arrows - they surely rekindle a compulsive feeling...
Guest 28-Sep-2006 23:22
Fantastic movement.
Ray :)28-Sep-2006 23:11
very colourful. Like the movement.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:50
Cool! Even the stanchons look like arrows!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:04
there are incentive to cross this line. Nice motion shot.
Zak28-Sep-2006 21:34
nice find! :-)
Chris28-Sep-2006 20:34
Perfect for the challenge. Chris
Michael Shpuntov28-Sep-2006 19:38
I would not go there unless I have to.... Great shot Eckhart
chrisse28-Sep-2006 18:26
Great image, love the way you captured just the foot. The story sounds very familiar ;o)
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:00
Very well done, imaginative.
Lee Rudd28-Sep-2006 17:46
ah traffic flows (or not!) lovely image
Nicki Thurgar28-Sep-2006 17:06
Interesting commentary & great coloured lines!
beverley harrison28-Sep-2006 16:47
excellent shot!!
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 16:28
I feel like walking in on the red arrow just for spite.
: )
royalld28-Sep-2006 16:25
Great feeling of motion (stepping).
Why are licensing officers so unfriendly?
I have had driver's licenses in New York, Georgia and Florida.
In each place the officers working the license bureaus were unfriendly.
Now I learn they are the same in Vienna. It must be something about the job.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 16:23
Love the colours fantastic
John Beck28-Sep-2006 16:12
Sounds just like the Wisconsin Dept of Transportation except the equipment has been updated. Wonderful photo. love the long exposure.
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2006 15:52
Step along the appropriate color ;) Notorious here too.
Bill Ewart Jr28-Sep-2006 15:00
Once you take that step on the green arrow, don't cross into the other colors!~
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 13:57
Well, meaningfull :)
wernere0128-Sep-2006 13:33
Don´t follow the blue one. You won´t get a new license because of alcohol problems.
Beautiful find.
Susan Leigh28-Sep-2006 12:06
ahh, this is the blur stepping..excellent take, well done GMV
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 11:53
Which one can we cross? Love it, Eckhart!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 11:44
great colors! very nicely done
Faye White28-Sep-2006 10:57
nice shot - the movement works well !
Guest 28-Sep-2006 10:04
Very nice entry Eckhart. Especially i like to movement and colors here.
laine8228-Sep-2006 10:01
hehehe, at your commentary. I like the ghost you captured crossing the line.
Yvonne28-Sep-2006 09:50
Great shot Eckhart - a real feeling of movement there to entice someone over the line!
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 09:34
wow! nice movement capture here...beautiful your composition...nice find!
Sheila28-Sep-2006 09:22
So this is a line we don't want to cross :-)
Cool shot, Eckhart.
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