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Eckhart Derschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD - Year One >
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Ritsurin-koen, Takamatsu, Japan

From my new gallery Japan 2003. This was probably the last time that I used my Nikkormat EL, which was my main camera for more than 20 years, extensively.

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TS. Bok04-Oct-2006 13:15
Love this shot!
Guest 04-Oct-2006 10:04
Very very interesting images here with your good choice of pov makes them more interesting.
carol j. phipps02-Oct-2006 01:26
Wonderful cut for this lovely composition.
Guest 01-Oct-2006 15:39
Really like this one! I like the simplicity of the compositoin along with nice patterns and textures. Your "old" camera sure produces a fine looking image!
Faye White30-Sep-2006 23:25
so peaceful and serene - wonderful!
Guest 30-Sep-2006 02:20
Good to see! Wonderful, as always.
John Beck29-Sep-2006 14:39
Beautiful, very beautiful. I've always liked the simple beauty in Japanese gardens.
laine8229-Sep-2006 12:07
Peaceful !!
royalld29-Sep-2006 12:04
This is a wonderful place to nourish oneself upon ancient virtues.
Guest 29-Sep-2006 10:57
from the thumbnail...i was going to say very zen like....yep i was right. :)
Guest 29-Sep-2006 10:42
No doubt it was working nicely. Superb garden.
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