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Doug Sherman | all galleries >> Galleries >> Arizona Images > Cross bedding in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, North Coyote Buttes, AZ
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Cross bedding in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, North Coyote Buttes, AZ

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MFarahat 12-Sep-2013 13:21
WOW, what a beautifull pic. Ideal example of Cross bedding indeed.
Liz 09-Mar-2013 13:38
Like mounds of gelato! woweee
Elaine Creaden 03-Jan-2008 05:24
I have never seen any pictures of these formations, except the chenle. Incredible. Are they really on this planet? It will be hard to choose which, or rather, how many to purchase. I am immensely impressed; I can imagine you immersed in the atmosphere as you wait for the perfect light. Spendid.
Jola Dziubinska12-Dec-2007 11:56
Fabulous forms and colors, excellent capture. V.
Sandi Whitteker12-Dec-2007 07:09
Wow! Beautiful shot of spectacular formations. Amazing swirls. Beautifully composed and great color.