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Doug J | all galleries >> Birds, Birds, Birds >> Passeriformes Gallery > Common Gonolek
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Common Gonolek

Scientific name: Laniarius barbarus
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Malaconotidae

Also called: Yellow-crowned Gonolek or Barbary Shrike

The Common Gonolek, is a common resident breeding bird in equatorial Africa from Senegal and Democratic Republic of Congo east to Ethiopia. It frequents dense undergrowth in forests and other wooded habitats and feeds on insects located in bushes or on the ground.

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Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
1/125s f/4.0 at 200mm ISO 400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tony 29-Apr-2007 21:19
What happened to this bird's left foot - it seems to be missing.
Doug J04-Jun-2006 04:17
Lisa - there are a lot of books available with avian photography, it depends what specifically you are looking for. The best approach is to determine if you want a specific region and then do an online serach. I purchase some of my avian books from Amazon.
Lisa Calladine 31-May-2006 20:08
Is there a book that shows all these birds to purchase?