it was taken, i am just now slowing down to notice the days i shot, finally understanding what all the little numbered folders mean in my computer hard drive, months and days, i had no idea!!!
so this is feb 14th, oh it is a VALENTINES GIFT to us all, taken at 5:38 am... the first of a changing and evolving sequence that unfolded that early cold morning iam now begiinging to realize and piece together... w will try to gather the tow or so others i have put up before... and place them right at the top of my gallery... GALLERY called... my ........ 50 FAVORITES NOW SO YOU AND I CAN SEE THEM TOGETHER, I HOPE YOU CAN FIND THEM... PS ONE OF THE IMAGES FROM this sequence is broken!!!! broken apart on my computer and useless ... i have to hope that i have on my old full laptop a not broken version as i think it is a better version of a good image i have upoaded before... anyway enjoy the day, feb 14th 05 and TODAY`~~~ peace, don in maine