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4,000 IMAGES

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DSCN9999.jpg ......... THIS IS THE Sunrise! VIEW FROM MY NEW LITTLE APARTMENTS DECK AND WINDOW!!!!  bit unfocused but go figure DSC08611.jpg subtle exposure differences... i think i know which one i prefer DSC00147800.jpg i am printing 20 images for an Ireland show jan 1
DSC03658.jpg DSCN5064_2.jpg 66DSC01646.jpg80 taken a few minutes ago... read... DSC07758.jpg
DSC04664.jpg STOCKINGS AND THE INNOCENTS or SIX LEGS/SIX FACES... see,,, bekeo= below DSC00002.jpg DSC09578.jpg very quiet sky as 3 days of rain struggles for sun PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT LIGHTHOUSES DONALD VERGER DSC03780.jpg
DSC06906.jpg DSC07263.jpg where i live.. my neighbors fence garden... off to lighthouse at dawn DSCN3596.JPG 3 73 DSCN4421.JPG 21
DSCN9508.JPG DSCN0497_1.JPG DSC04953.jpg P1090987.jpg
DSCN9711.JPG DSC09492.jpg DSCN9656.JPG DSCN9187.JPG
DSC06791.jpg 23DSC03674.jpg DSC00724.jpg DSCN9730.JPG
DSCN5127 i just found this image! on my new imac... saved on a flash card DSC09321.jpg what a barn! a bit overexposed? DSC08247.jpg it says...peace DSCN9643.JPG
DSCN9667.JPG DSC00255.jpg DSC07907.jpg DSC08253.jpg
DSC08609.jpg one of the last few images after trying to leave after 800 shots today DSC06075.jpg DSCN1335.JPG DSCN1508.JPG
DSC07897. a few images from my sudbury mass public library show... 8x10 in 16x20's... all uniform DSC07785.jpg DSC07203.jpg dead light DSC03842blowinginthewind.jpg
DSCN2279.JPG DSC00465.jpg PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT LIGHTHOUSE by donald verger river run... JOY.... would you try to crop some of the foreground from this image? DSCN9695.JPG
DSC00948.jpg CHASING RAINBOWS DSCN9917_2.jpg DSCN9906.JPG DSCN3590.JPG 4 111
DSC07242.jpg the moment... before sunrise DSC06080.jpg DSC06804_2.jpg DSCN9943.JPG
DSC00123.jpg please read my story... of arrest and innocence below and share w friends DSCN9915.jpg DSC09952.jpg DSC04193.jpg
DSC00943.jpg sunrise from my new apartment deck a few moments ago over casco bay, maine, DSC05255.jpg DSCN7918.JPG DSC05720tomatomomanddaugher.jpg see the cropped version at....
See, i can do bodoir??? bedroom shot alsoDSCN5205.JPG DSCN5017.JPG DSC08132.jpg DSC00114.jpg
DSC00001v.jpg SERENITY happy new year... see a Panorama... portland head light maine lighthouses donald verger DSCN9733.JPG DSCN9754.JPG 898.jpg
DSC09795.jpg DSC05931waterjune16.jpg DSC08730.jpg ROUND STONE DSC00487.jpg Lois, me and three new friends , the 3rd shot us
DSC06573.jpg DSC00604.jpg DSC00707.jpg DSCN9776.JPG
 MOLSON'S DSC09419.jpg DSC09710.jpg DSC07509.jpg
25News Friends... Mary-Lee and Christy! :) DSCN4260.JPG BLUE DSC08170.jpg mystery shot #2... are you sick of lighthouses by now???????
a blur of mergansers gather anticpatin the freeze DSC09972.jpg see more barns below... DSC08127.jpg DSCN9739.JPG
DSCN9714.JPG DSCN0047.JPG90 which do you like best, thks don DSC07730.jpg DSC08500.jpg
DSC03845morebarn.jpg P1170811.jpg 45.  Peace and Hope DSCN3499.JPG
DSC08147.jpg DSCN9653.JPG DSC09807.jpg Stadler Art Galery, Kingfield, Maine thru oct 15 a little concerto of birds... adorning the wonderful barn
DSCN9764.JPG DSC00758.jpg DSC09799.jpg DSC06848.jpg the view from my window... this garden and fence have been pretty to see
P1050402.jpg Old Fashioned New England Opitism sp? DSCN0094.JPG 3mDSC06084pansies.jpg DSCN1373.JPG
DSC01002.jpg Iceland just returned! also read article- Donald Verger Selling Art to Set People Free ... below DSC08360.jpg DSCN9671.JPG DSCN3696.jpg well dont know about you, but at first glance i love this image! and glad i put card in computer to see it!
DSCN9744.JPG DSC01776.jpg DSC00008.jpg P1040046.jpg also see folks favorite so far and my most clicked/voted image ever so early
DSC05018.jpg thejoyofonemomentexperienced.jpg 84DSCN1920.jpg Aruba DSC08186.jpg
DSC07478.jpg DSC0012207.jpg DSCN9734.JPG DSC09514.jpg
DSC08710.jpg DSCN3909.JPG 0 33 71DSCN2987.jpg a little dark? DSC05278.jpg The spare beauty of Vermont! North East Kingdon
DSC08188.jpg DSCN9650.JPG DSCN9738.JPG DSCN9934.JPG
For my sweet daughter Carolyn! Title... green grass... DSCN5551.jpg HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOIS... RAM LIGHTHOUSE AT DAWN DSCN9770.JPG DSCN2108.JPG
DSC07535.jpg P1100389.jpg DSCN2756.JPG 28/40 DSC04268.jpg
DSC07733.jpg DSCN0122.JPG DSCN0088.JPG DSC00021flwr.jpg SUMMER AND WINTER HOLD HANDS in maine
CHILDHOOD!!! DSC07678.jpg DSCN9663.JPG DSCN9998nyctulips.jpg
grace.jpg DSC07734.jpg YELLOW FLOWER SKY DSC09948.jpg FUL MOON RISING  #2 market flower... focused on 1 of thousands... my last four pads are all from the wed and sat Portland Market
DSC04944lunchimages.jpg DSCN4567_1.JPG DSC09470.jpg P1080690.jpg
DSCN2021.JPG 26 vs 310 DSC09791.jpg Stadler Art Gallery, Kingfield, Maine DSC06459.jpg which do you prefer..???? DSC00770.jpg
DSCN5226.jpg DSCN1217.JPG DSC00116.jpg a journey from darkness to light sunrise florida/atlantic ocean... see... DSC09957.jpg
DSCN9771.JPG DSC08108.jpg new york/near vt side trip... covered bridgesurprise DSC06309.jpg DSC00694.jpg
62/20DSC00184_2.jpg which of the three color images would be the best post card??? Little White Church Eaton NH DSC07042.jpg DSC07949.jpg GRANT ME the SERENITY...............................................4515.JPG
25DSC08435.jpg STORM DAWN AT BASS HARBOR HEAD LIGHTHOUSE ACADIA NATIONAL PARK MAINE DSCN9662.jpg DSC04943.jpg DSC08251.jpg whos the turkey anyway?
DSC08054.jpg the moon rises over peakes island maine landscapes by donald verger DSCN4017.JPG DSCN5990.jpg DSC07491.jpg which exp?
DSC00113.jpg DSCN4547.JPG DSCN4691.JPG DSC09747.jpg i took this a few days ago... i need 18-20 to print tonight... should this be in the show vs...
DSC00049.jpg 13x19 images... for SHOW... 20 images framed in all DSCN3556.JPG DSC07019.jpg DSCN9166.JPG
DSCN1095.JPG 74DSC01851.jpg 85 New York State Amish countryside... your impressions of this image... and read linked article below, tks, don DSCN1281.JPG DSC09418.jpg i like this little image. took a new road, found 3 or 4 barns in close proximity
DSC08762.jpg FLYING GIRL approaching a stop sign! and mom with cool sox! DSCN9790.JPG DSC07354.jpg DSC07174.jpg
DSCN9376.JPG DSCN9164.JPG HAPPY 25TH CAROLYN!!! THIS IS THE SUNRISE THIS YEAR!!!! DSC00219.jpg new camera, learing my way, see poster below
DSCN9729.JPG 57DSCN3197.jpg Maine today... :) did i load a hi res enough version of this or not?, also, i think this is a bit dark, yes? DSC07845.jpg DSCN0568.JPG
DSC08667.jpg DSCN9984.JPG 19 DSC00104.jpg DSC06811.jpg
DSCN0072.JPG DSC00257.jpg OLD GLORY as seen from PORLAND HEAD LIGHT LIGHTHOUSE by donald verger september 22 DSC08196.jpg DSC00288_2.jpg JOURNEY'S END after shooting sea smoke so so cold, turned back for this lovely barn!
DSC07674.jpg DSC00147.jpg DSCN9323.JPG DSC00126carrots.jpg
gril with her boquet, could photoshop take the plastic away? DSC05984_2.jpg DSC07150.jpg 32DSC01979.jpg46 snowing today, portland head light , the queen
DSC04133.jpg first light at dawn over maines long lake looking to Mt Washinton in NH.  DSCN5133.JPG DSCN2278.JPG DSC09935.jpg
DSCN9687.JPG DSC09995.jpg32 i love this barn and have shot it in all seasons....see... DSCN4003.JPG 0  28 DSC06884.jpg
DSCN9760.JPG DSC05429.jpg DH000008.JPG DSC08100.jpg barefoot vt covered little bridge
DSC05101.jpg DSC03676.jpg DSC00627.jpg DSC04657.jpg
DSCN9699.JPG 14DSC03266.jpg see link below for nubble lighthouse storm poster DSC06942singingintherain.jpg YES OFFICER... I WAS JUST SHOOTING THE BIKE LOVERS DSC09258.jpg
DSC07471.jpg DSC06908.jpg DSC00144.jpg DSCN5400.JPG
DSCN9910.JPG 64 DSC09321.jpg DSC03687.jpg DSCN2874.JPG 0
DSC00305.jpg PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT lighthouse by donald verger don verger september 25 DSC07310.jpg many lines.... asphalt victory... theyll pave paradise... Joanie M DSC00187.jpg also see.... DSC07912.jpg pushed close together to photograph from my sudbury lib show
DSCN9562.JPG DSC09472.jpg DSC00538i.jpg The distant Cliff's of Moher ... see another... in DSCN9647.JPG
41DSC09592.jpg see links below DSC06144_2.jpg DSCN0089.JPG DSC01547.jpg the image linked below i think is the favorite image i have ever taken, it has no comments :)
DSCN1168.JPG daily walk for pebles and leafs a bit... of a snow plow   DSCN5110.JPG DSC00106ribbon.jpg this image or the one linked below??? DSC09334.jpg
DSCN9679.JPG DSCN9657.JPG DSCN7459_1.jpg DSCN1866.JPG
DSCN5256.jpg DSCN5177.JPG 55 DSCN8617paxhat.jpg DSC07510.jpg
DSCN9976.JPG DSC06882.jpg DSC00659.jpg DSCN9677.JPG
DSC01724.jpg this sky persisted almost unchanged a very long time... other am s are fleeting DSC09440.jpg just me again 37/46 DSC06943.jpg between the windshield wipors and thru the windshield as light turned green
DSCN0093.JPG DSCN0790.JPG DSC04998.jpg all my new images are at.... DSCN0087.JPG
DSC07735.jpg too light a sky, toodarkthewood... the camera, mine has trouble seeing contrasts at the same tiem DSC00251phlseagull.jpg interesting clearing sky at portland head light images from my bed... i needed company DSCN9571.JPG
DSCN3514.JPG DSCN8995.JPG DSC05971.jpg DSC00394.jpg #2 sunrise from the horizon as name by Victoria!
DSC09909.jpg DSC07528.jpg looking back P1000054.jpg new camera to take to fla for birds, got it last night, but hands still cold from yest DSCN9157.JPG
P1030177.jpg young shell seeker... innosence.... my new panosonic z18 P1170802.jpg DSCN9712.JPG DSC09767.jpg
DSC04203.jpg ah, ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have an IRelAND gallery, linked below... and will create an Italy one too DSCN3677_2.JPG DSCN2999.JPG DSCN9675.JPG
DSCN9651.JPG DSC05561.jpg DSC03678.jpg DSC07470.jpg
DSC00734.jpg bit TOO BRIGHT!  struggling to make my first digital slr get good exposures!!! used to the sony r1 34P1180909.jpg   it is what it is, ps might you comment on your one favorite image in this new gallery, thank DSC06975.jpg DSC08668.jpg
DSCN9658.JPG DSC00796.jpg Iceland! also read the story below and see my barn images DSCN9533.JPG 11 DSCN1169.JPG
DSC07367.jpg drove down 4am yest... hard to shoot into the sun... my eye saw the lt house DSCN0740.JPG DSCN9544.JPG DSC00396kissed.jpg do you like this one or the adjacent one?
DSC07663.jpg DSC07193.jpg DSC00190.jpg ............. OLD  and NEW.....  a quick grab shot after landing and a nap, near Shannon DSCN3443.JPG
DSCN0211geraniumswithchristmaslights.jpg DSCN9706.JPG DSCN4931.jpg DSCN9859.JPG chipmunk
DSC02326.jpg .... 83% MOON hangs over  Portland Head Light at dusk... LAST LIGHT DSCN3568.JPG 12/16/23/40 DSC03705.jpg OCEAN GOLD 24DSCN1149ANGELSIDEWAYS.jpg
DSCN9674.JPG 22HOW??? DSCN5366roses.jpg DSC07505.jpg mt washington seen from crawford notch, nh
falmouth6309-6314.jpg Falmouth Town Landing and Harbor Maine first try DSCN0116.JPG DSCN9680.JPG DSC09490.jpg see my BLOG/AUCTION underconstruction... may be up today
DSC08502.jpg DSCN9672.JPG 35DSCN3266.jpg Hendricks Lighthouse Southport Maine see lighthouses linked below DSC07475.jpg
DSC09586.jpg DSCN9177.JPG DSCN9659.JPG P1000686.jpg brand new little camera, hope its good :)
DSC07806.jpg FLY!!!  mi9ght you crop this... or not? or how might you... feel free too DSC07316.jpg nyc seen.jpg How Many people do you see? Stadler Art Gallery, 5 cords of winter warmth, and my little bluedoor barn
DSCN9167.JPG DSCN5634.jpg DSC01923.jpg Nubble lighthouse new sony a900 .. how does new dust get in without my taking off lens! DSC03030.jpg
DSCN9682.JPG please look at my first gallery! and comment directly on shots you like to help me DSC09698.jpg DSCN7305.jpg
DSC08216.jpg DSC08703.jpg DSC01013.jpg DSC00109.jpg
DSC06725.jpg DSCN9743.JPG DSCN9701.JPG DSC07457.jpg
DSC01822.jpg Nubble lighthouse at dusk DSCN8421.jpg DSCN9940.jpg DSC06958.jpg
P1250862700pbase.jpg this is Lois s image , see more of hers in DSCN9736.JPG DSCN9686.JPG DSCN7266_1.jpg
DSC08732.jpg DSCN9579.JPG a moment later... DSC06483catsforcarolyn.jpg DSC00312_3.jpg simple alley in Ennis , with wispering women appearing... see...
P1000089.jpg DSC06303.jpg DSC07278.jpg DSCN9766.JPG
DSC00127_2.jpg DSC09664.jpg last nights sky, while waiting for a freind... see my new BLOG/EBAY AUCTIONS! DSC07241.jpg HIDE and SEEK with the rising sun in zero degree dawn over the atlantic DSCN0572.JPG
DSC09782.jpg which in this gallery do you suggest i print for a show ... need 20...??????? DSCN1758.JPG DSC07693.jpg DSCN9568.JPG
DSCN8413.jpg DSC07524.jpg SOUP STOCK FOR A SUNNY NIGHT! DSC00333.jpg
DSC00262.jpg DSC00848.jpg DSCN0092.JPG DH000078.JPG
DSC08184.jpg DSCN9977.jpg DSCN9737.JPG DSC08067.jpg vermont sky and feel
DSC07103.jpg DSC05037.jpg DSC06251aokwithbirdsongs.jpg 3 shots to take, pressed once by mistake, got these PLEASEco mment/vote your fave lighthouse of the 3
65DSC01327.jpg New Mexico late afternoon lightning and storm clouds, see links below DSC03684.jpg DSCN9703.JPG DSC07318.jpg
DSCN9745.JPG DSCN4681.JPG DSC00227.jpg after landing we crashed into the first b and b we came to and were FED and slept... DSCN5493.JPG
DSCN5773.JPG DSCN9669.JPG DSCN9660.JPG DSC08760.jpg Portland maine young men all with myspaces
DSC09823.jpg 55DSCN1600.jpg DSCN9559.JPG rockers.jpg Title #1 Set a spell #2drapes match curtains #3 new lilac #4 google...
DSC06843.jpg DSCN9681.JPG DSCN9769.JPG DSC00209.jpg SUNRISE VAPORS
charlestpo.jpg DSC07173.jpg DSCN9696.JPG DSCN8429.jpg
DSCN9741.JPG DSC08161.jpg Lois creates our 1st or 2nd pano DSCN9702.JPG DSCN9674.JPG
DSCN9528.JPG cloud dance DSCN9507.JPG DSCN4182insyncwithcarolynmarch04?.jpg
DSCN9708.JPG DH000075.JPG DSC09655_2.jpg one of the earlies photos i took of the portland head light with an interstign sky DSCN9704.JPG
DSC07277.jpg in the bright st sun i could see nothing in the screen when i took this standing DSC00455.jpg the center of a pano i hand held in yesterday wonderful predawn fire... see link below DSCN1389.JPG 59 VENUS DANCES!!! !!! !!!
DSC08456.jpg DSCN7539.JPG for Carolyn, my daughter...taken a moment ago,  HI Bean! A Christmas/Hanukkah Card to Everyone! ps see yesterdays PAD for more holiday imagery!
DSC02684.jpg practicing taking jpegs with no PP with new sony a900, thoughts? DSC07387.jpg DSC09374.jpg HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY JUNE 11TH TO MY DAUGHTER CAROLYN 25!!! yesterday we walked...
DSC08137.jpg DSC09773.jpg DSC07695.jpg ysterday art show... an old famed print i brought as an after thought... exhausted left
DSCN1775.JPG DSC00815.jpg DSCN4805.JPG snowlaundrypanojpeghigh.jpg
DSC00632.jpg ICELAND... this and 3 adjacent image... also read DSCN9331.JPG DSC04650.jpg BOTTLE OF BEER DSC06994.jpg
DSC08395.jpg DSCN9515.JPG DSCN2762.JPG DSCN0042.JPG 73
DSCN9740.JPG DSCN9742.JPG DSC00199.jpg DSC07488.jpg
leap into the day!... ps i am putting a 2nd shot in gallery,,, shawn please print DSC00069.jpg DSC00003smoke.jpg sea smoke below zero portland head light DSC05484.jpg PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT DONALD VERGER
DSC07317.jpg obedient plane DSCN9718.JPG DSC08621m.jpg never used to back up... but now... :) obviously my work/images has UNIVERSAL appeal! :)
DSC07140.jpg MT. ADAMS????? maybe or maybe Jefferson.....????? :)DSCN9527.JPG nubblemarch707.jpg trouble in kansas city... the ocean was a bit unlevel that day i guess, cures???? ideas??? help! DSC08302.jpg my frinens bob and lisa and fmaous musician sky unseen
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