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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> South Florida SHOPPING CENTERS, STORES, and MALLS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1971- the Woolco discount store sign, on NW 79th Street and 30th-31st Avenues, west of Northside Shopping Center
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1971 MDB&Z

1971- the Woolco discount store sign, on NW 79th Street and 30th-31st Avenues, west of Northside Shopping Center

NW 79th Street and 30-31 Avenues, Dade County, Florida

This photo was used for some type of zoning application involving the Woolco store on NW 183rd Street in Carol City but the image used was of their sign and store on NW 79th Street just west of the Northside Shopping Center on NW 27th Avenue.

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Jeff Levine 08-Oct-2017 19:17
Dear Visitors:

Our dear friend Don Boyd passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 27th after battling pancreatic cancer. Those of us who got to know Don will miss him deeply.

In speaking with his wife (Karen) this evening, she was unsure who would be administering this site in the future, but was open to suggestions.

If you have the time, inclination and desire to keep this site up-to-date as best as possible, please contact Karen through oldmiamimemories(at) gmail (dot) com - perhaps you can be the helping hand she will need.

The site is paid up for a number of years, but right now no one will be monitoring it or adding any photo archives.

Rest in peace, Don...
Don Boyd22-Jul-2016 16:25
OD, thank you for posting your comments. I've changed the information so it is no longer ambiguous regarding the location.

OD 22-Jul-2016 15:34
Definitely the 79th street shopping center, right at NW 30-31 avenues. I was about 10 or so. I and a few other guys used to "hustle buggies"-- a term we coined for helping people to their cars with their shopping bags -- at the Pantry Pride for a few cents at the time. Later I worked at the Record Gallery and the Star Twin movie theater in the center. I remember it all well.
Javier V. 03-Sep-2015 17:33
Strange, but the set up I am seeing here is also very reminiscent of the shopping center that sits just north of the Wendy's on US1 and Cutler Ridge Blvd. I'm talking about mid to late 80s. There was a Rhodes Furniture, a J-Byrons and also a Woolco (where my mom worked for five years). Today thereis a Publix where the supermarket is..and the portion of Eckerd's is gone.
Estela 06-Oct-2014 03:44
Wasn't there a Woolco's store at Flamingo Plaza in East Hialeah, too?
harriet12-Jul-2013 03:31
I wonder if that Mr. Bethel of the Pantry Pride on NW 32nd Ave is the same Mr. Bethel that managed the Food Fair on E. 4th Ave back in the late 50's.
Kadeem 16-Aug-2012 01:19
HI! Wow I am glad I can see pictures of miami in the past, The #1 USA Flea Market is now on this lot (2012), And it was WoolCo.s building in (1971).
center5113-Oct-2011 18:55
I worked at that Food Fair Store from 1972 - 1975 when I was in High School. I believe we converted to Pantry Pride in 1972. It wa s a booming store once we converted to Pantry Pride. We used to get a Dry Groceries Truck everyday! The Food Fair/Pantry Pride warehouse was only a few blocks from that store on NW 32nd Ave. Mr. Bethel was our Store Manage, he was great!
Guest 01-Aug-2011 18:45
Cliff, I grew up in Chicago on the far South Side. We also had a Woolworth's on 87th and Cottage Grove.

I too was obsessed with getting a Darta Buggy and they sold them at the Woolworth's. I also worked for several days to get the $2 (i forget exactly how much - but it was a lot for an 8 year old). LOL
Guest 17-Feb-2010 03:10
On this Food Fair in the picture, I remember it as being "Pantry Pride" instead, in the mid-1970s (if this is the one west of Northside). The MTA 'L' bus ran along here from Hialeah Park to Miami Beach, in the good ol' pre-white-elephant days. Maybe it still does; I'm away from the area right now.
David A. Bower 30-Jun-2009 17:26
This appears to be 79th street. If you look at the lower right side of photo above what seems to be a Ford (white car) that sign on the wall is possibly the marquee for the old Star Cinema. Correct me if I'm wrong.
headzup21-Mar-2009 05:12
What about Fayva Shoe Store in the Winn Dixie shopping plaza, the Mint Lounge & across the street on the west side of 27 ave was the Southern Bell building. I lived in Leslie Estates.
Don Boyd10-Feb-2009 06:24
Cliff, yes 27th Avenue turns into University Drive in Broward. The drive-in you are thinking of may have been the Pizza Palace on the east side of 27th Avenue just north of the nudist camp that was on the west side.

The whole area where you lived is now incorporated and is called Miami Gardens. They have their own police force with wages above virtually all other municipal governments with police forces and the county.

Cliff Smith 10-Feb-2009 04:47
Sorry forgot to put my name on the last post.

Also forgot to mention if anyone remembers Scott Park
with the tall rocket that you would climb to the top of
and the thing would sway! I still have nightmares of that thing
falling over!
Guest 10-Feb-2009 04:42
I know this isn't exactly a chat room but, pretty cool Jim!
I recall that Lindsey Lumber. I also remember a
drive-in that my folks would bring me to
quite often on 27th ave just north of the 826. Isn't
27th also called University Drive?

Please bare with me as I use google earth to get the street names and locations.
Been too long since I lived there. I recently took a trip
around the area to see my old house
but, it's not exactly an area where you want to
get out and take in the sights anymore. I lived on 22nd ave
and now if you look north on that road, you can see the huge
[video screen I'm guessing] structure from Pro-Player stadium
prominently displayed at the end of it.

Those were indeed good times though. I really miss those
good old times cruising in the green Mach1 with my father to Greynold's
Park and the music of those times are some of my faves now. Now,
what HE was doing while I fed ducks is probably questionable...HeHeh!

JIM 04-Feb-2009 11:46
I lived off 44th @188th we went to the 183@27 th ave all the time. jc penny, The Inn(great restaurant) i think there was a gray drug store there also. I worked at the burger king across the street when i was in jr high used to go to lums ,lindseylumber drive in movies. great times
Don Boyd27-Jan-2009 03:52
Hi Cliff, I'm glad you enjoy the site and any old memories it may bring back for you. I've enjoyed working with all the photos and hearing from all sorts of people who have refreshed my memories quite a bit. Thanks again for the Woolco correction. I too remember a J. C. Penneys in the shopping center and should have noticed it missing.

Cliff Smith 27-Jan-2009 00:28
Hello Don, and thank you for this wonderful gallery of photos.
Yes, I do remember clearly that there was a JCPenney in that plaza.
I remember because that's where my mother would by
my JCP "Toughskins" pants all the time...Haha! I hated those
pants! Cherished my childhood growing up in the 70's in this area though.
My father would bring me to Greynolds(SP?) Park all the time
and use to love visiting the old Krispy Kreme on 163rd st, the
one where you could see an intricate set of conveyors moving
the donuts along while they were being made, behind the
huge plate glass windows. Just west of that was the mini-golf
park with the huge grey Elephant that eventually was painted pink!
We'd usually visit that when we'd see my Grandmother in Biscayne Gardens.
Again, a million thanks for this rare opportunity for those of us that grew
up loving this area and wish things could go back to the way they were.
Don Boyd25-Jan-2009 14:42
Okay, Cliff and others who have commented, I have changed the location since y'all don't believe that this was the Carol City store. Thank you for your input.

Cliff Smith 25-Jan-2009 05:35
I google earthed it, I lived on 22nd Ave off of 183rd street in Opa Locka.
This location pictured here is definitely not that location unless
there was another in Carol City I didn't know about.
Cliff Smith 25-Jan-2009 02:56
My mother and I would walk to the Carol City location all the time. I remember
raking leaves for days to get a Darta Buggy from that store. I lived just east
of the store behind the big white "Christian something" church that still
stands 'til this day. I forget the name of the actual area.
Moved when I was seven.

To Jill, there was a JC Penney in the same plaza
and a Burger King across the street from it. I use to eat at that BK all the time.
Pretty Cool! Do you have a sister named Cindy?
Jill 30-Dec-2008 21:36
I remember the Woolco, but I don't remember the sign looking like this one. It seems like there was a JCPenny store in that plaza. I used to take ballet in that same shopping plaza. It was towards the 27th Ave side across the street from the Burger King, but on the same side as a bank. I was only 3 or 4 when I took ballet. My dentist, Dr. Burger was also located in that same plaza. One day after school I rode the city bus to the dental office and some creep followed me to the dental office. He lied and told the receptionist that he was with me and I told her he was lying. Dr. Burger pulled out a gun! He told the guy to get the hell away or he would blow him away! Thanks Dr. Burger where ever you may be, you were a true life saver for me!
Katherine Smith 30-Jan-2008 00:56
I grew up on NW 47 Ave a block from NW 183rd St that shopping center had a Publix, Grants Department Store, Carvel Ice Cream and Army & Navy store. I remember a Woolco in a shopping center at NW 27th Ave and NW 183rd St. I have fond memories from Carol City and growing up in Miami in the 1960's and 1970's.
Don Boyd28-Jan-2008 17:30
It could be if they used the photo of the 79th Street store to get permission to erect the sign at 183rd Street in the zoning application. Don
Mike 28-Jan-2008 16:14
How about just west of Northside Shopping Center ???
JD 01-Dec-2007 14:35
I do not believe this was the Carol City site. The photo shows a Food Fair and the grocery store in the plaza at the time was a Grand Way (Union).
Don Boyd10-Sep-2007 18:34
Is that where the black marks on the yellow curbs and dings in the poles came from? Just kidding, haha. Don
Debbie Sjoberg 10-Sep-2007 14:19
I lived at 2910 NW 187th Street, Carol City, FL
I actually learned to parallel park in this parking lot with my dad in 1969.