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1964 DuPuis Elementary

53__ W. 10th Lane - James "Jim" Nolte in 1964 in his 2nd grade photo

Palm Springs, Hialeah, Florida

I knew Jim in the mid to late 1970's when he was dating Cheryl Coulter and working for contractor handling baggage services for National Airlines at Miami Internatioonal Airport. Jim's dad Earl J. "Jack" Nolte was manager of Miami Reservation and MIA/LAX Passenger Services for National Airlines and he passed away on August 27, 1998.

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Don Boyd17-Jun-2015 04:05
No, it's a small world and Cheryl's dad was one of two Coulter brothers (twins?) who worked for Pan American World Airways at MIA. Both brothers worked in operations and starting in 1978 they had to started calling the Aviation Department gate controllers to request gates for their flights because they had more flights than leased gates. I used to speak to both brothers depending on time of the day and day of the week - one was always grumpy and one was always super nice. I never knew that Cheryl and her family lived about 5 houses away from me on 9th Lane in the county section on the corner. All those years of talking to both Coulter brothers and we never mentioned where we lived or we would have discovered that we were neighbors.

Harriet Vaccarello Snell 17-Jun-2015 03:17
Cheryl Coulter...from Coulter Electronics?