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1964 DuPuis Elementary

53__ W.11th Avenue - Alan De Tomaso in 1964 in his 2nd grade photo

Palm Springs, Hialeah, Florida view map

Alan had an older sister Dawn (photo at: ) and lived across the street from Terry Bocskey and Harry Duncan Wilson. There are more photos of Alan at: and along with other photos in our old friends reunion gallery in 2009.

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Lori 22-Feb-2022 00:51
If anyone can answer my question please email me. Thanks
Lori 22-Feb-2022 00:49
I just ran across this. I knew an Alan De Tomaso when I lived in Loch Lomand in Miami Lakes back in the late 60’s or early 70’s. Could this be the same Alan De Tomaso?
Guest 08-Dec-2009 03:01
I see Dawn and Alan listed. I believe there was another sister Andrea. I believe I was in the same class with her