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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Car Art, etc. (38 Galleries) >> Rusted, Relics, Abandoned Galleries (10 Galleries) >> The Duane Hayes Collection 2009 > 1959 Buick Wagon
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08-Aug-2009 Dan Greenberg

1959 Buick Wagon

Peyton, CO

Best viewed at original size.

Nikon D300 ,Tokina 12-24mm f/4 AT-X AF Pro DX
1/100s f/13.0 at 12.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield18-May-2020 22:52
How awesome! V
Jeff Real18-May-2020 22:29
Wide was a great way to go here!
Getting so much of this setting into the composition makes your subject even more compelling!
Neil Marcus18-May-2020 18:08
The use of WA and intense colors worked to make this art. "VVV"
globalgadabout18-May-2020 16:29
a perfect fit for the the windblown grasses too...ace comp really brings this home..
Glenn D.18-May-2020 16:22
Great work here Dan! BZ-V!
John Vass18-May-2020 15:58
Poor thing! Really was put out to pasture!
John Vass18-May-2020 15:58
Perfect timing and action. V
joseantonio18-May-2020 14:56
nice colors so lovely captured.V.
Roland Le Gall18-May-2020 14:50
What's this car doing in the middle of a field...? Beautiful...!