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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> Cuba 2018 > 1958 Pontiac - Bacunayagua Bridge
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1958 Pontiac - Bacunayagua Bridge

Bacunayagua, Matanzas Province, Cuba

The Bridge of Bacunayagua, inaugurated in September 1959, crosses the canyon, and at 110 meters above the valley floor is the highest bridge in Cuba. Cubans consider it one of the seven wonders of Cuban civil engineering.

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marcia Rules01-Apr-2018 14:22
this is so unique, and then some. VVV
Julie Oldfield31-Mar-2018 15:36
Love this! V
Hank Vander Velde30-Mar-2018 12:52
A super, well composed image with nice light and shadows.
globalgadabout30-Mar-2018 12:50
top notch composition, and perfect that an old car passed by...admire the rich tones too...V
joseantonio30-Mar-2018 03:01
interesting to see the car there.V.
Dennis Hoyne30-Mar-2018 02:17
I agree with Neil, both dynamic and dramatic! I guess this isn't rush hour traffic. V
Neil Marcus30-Mar-2018 02:03
Dramatic, dynamic, different. "Big Vote"
Jeff Real30-Mar-2018 00:58
A brilliant composition. So great in monochrome and with amazing timing
Nick Paoni30-Mar-2018 00:35
What cool shot. Perfect in every way.