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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> Cuba 2018 > Young Tobacco Workers
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Young Tobacco Workers

San Luis, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba

At the Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation. These two kids were working with their mom, who was right behind me, sorting leaves for cigars I believe. My friend Todd, who I traveled with, had just given them baseballs, so they were fine getting their picture taken.

Per Lonely Planet
"The famous Robaina vegas (fields), in the rich Vuelta Abajo region southwest of Pinar del Río, have been growing quality tobacco since 1845, but it wasn't until 1997 that a brand of cigars known as Vegas Robaina was first launched to wide international acclaim. The former owner Alejandro Robaina, who made the brand so famous, died in April 2010. But the show must go on, and does at the plantation today. It's been open to outside visitors for some years."

We did manage to find the place, which was challenging. We did buy cigars there as well.

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anna & Christian RECK03-Apr-2018 19:51
Great capture of these two childrens!! I like the B&W tones!! BV. Anna
Jeff Real01-Apr-2018 13:09
Great work here, my friend!
This is really a treasure. A moment so perfectly captured will be a great one to associate with your trip
Marland Grove31-Mar-2018 15:36
Love the use of B&W ~v~
Julie Oldfield31-Mar-2018 15:35
Excellent tones in this capture. Their expressions are really beautiful. Perfect. V
John Hamers31-Mar-2018 13:25
Beautful portrait of this boy.. well composed and great in B&W !V
Gill Kopy31-Mar-2018 03:34
What a marvelous shot of these children in their environment. One can't help but think the children must gain satisfaction from contributing to their family's welfare. BV
Dennis Hoyne30-Mar-2018 17:57
A very touching portrait in monochrome, the lighting and detail are outstanding. BV
Don Mottershead30-Mar-2018 17:08
Marvelous image. V
Hope they have lots of baseball time and not just work.
Carter Creek30-Mar-2018 16:50
Well done. Very nice in mono. V
Fong Lam30-Mar-2018 15:31
He has a great smile for your shot...wonderful monochrome portrait with that directional light...V
globalgadabout30-Mar-2018 14:47
a home run image here...too bad such young people must work though, meaning childhood is cut short...outstanding photography on several levels...V
Walter Otto Koenig30-Mar-2018 14:29
Great portrait and such a fine result with difficult conditions. Thank you for adding the information Dan. "V"
Neil Marcus30-Mar-2018 13:44
A wonderful mono picture of the children in a natural pose. Baseballs..good idea, Dan "VVV"
Hank Vander Velde30-Mar-2018 13:32
Super B&W image Dan. Looks like cigar-making crop activity.