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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> Cuba 2018 > The Lobby of the Meliá Habana
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The Lobby of the Meliá Habana

We're not allowed to stay there because of the US trade embargo, but we could visit.
View of the outside:
Best viewed at original size.

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Julie Oldfield31-Mar-2018 15:37
It looks really fancy. Much different than other scenes I have seen. Where are you allowed to stay? This image is very well composed. V
Jeff Real30-Mar-2018 00:59
This is a brilliant capture of the marvels of this interior
Walter Otto Koenig29-Mar-2018 21:56
Very nicely composed interior image. Good job with the exposure. "V"
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Mar-2018 17:26
Nice interior captured.V
SLC_Images29-Mar-2018 15:46
nice looking spot- nicely photographed...VT!
Dennis Hoyne29-Mar-2018 15:33
A beautiful photograph, the color and lighting is exquisite. V
globalgadabout29-Mar-2018 15:29
certainly a swanky place...staying as you did in a casa particular was likely better to connect with real Cuban life..
joseantonio29-Mar-2018 14:50
An elengant and lovely hotel.V.
Neil Marcus29-Mar-2018 14:30
An elegant hotel. At least you could photograph it."V"
Jim Coffman29-Mar-2018 14:26
Wow,that is a beautiful lobby!! Very nice image...