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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites > Flowing Chocolate in B&W
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Flowing Chocolate in B&W

Steptoe Butte State Park, WA

A lot of these images seemed to lend themselves equally to color and monochrome. Seen from Steptoe Butte near dusk.
Color Version:
Best viewed at original size.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II ,Olympus M.ZUIKO ED 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO
1/1250s f/7.1 at 170.0mm iso200 with 1.4 TC full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
George McCarten30-Jul-2019 00:32
Well captioned and captured!
Buz Kiefer26-Nov-2017 20:13
Beautiful. V
Ted Teodoro04-Oct-2017 19:28
masterful, great eye
Sam Rua06-Sep-2017 06:12
Mmmm. Delicious. Well done.
Dennis Hoyne06-Sep-2017 02:15
Dennis Hoyne06-Sep-2017 02:15
Exceptional! The patterns and tones are stunning, but I really can't decide which I like better, the color or the lack and white.
Charlene Ambrose06-Sep-2017 02:06
Makes it a great abstract! V
Neil Marcus06-Sep-2017 00:47
Monochrome defines the lines/contrasts more dramatically and is eye catching. "VVV"
globalgadabout06-Sep-2017 00:38
shapes, tones, and contrasts are first class here...brilliant work Dan...V
Marcia Rules06-Sep-2017 00:32
Wow, I have to say this is my fave so far. Smashing design, tones, and impact .... BVVV
bill friedlander05-Sep-2017 23:33
Beautiful! Love it! V
janescottcumming05-Sep-2017 23:32
I flipped back and forth between the color and the black and white and I do believe this one is my favorite. V
Hank Vander Velde05-Sep-2017 22:59
I like both the color and the B&W version Dan. Good eye and well composed image.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Sep-2017 22:42
Great shot. Love the tones and shapes. "V"
William Barletta05-Sep-2017 21:46
Superb textures amplified by the use of B&W ~V~
MarcViskens05-Sep-2017 21:07
Very pretty
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad05-Sep-2017 21:05
Excellent B&W conversion. V
Carol How05-Sep-2017 19:54
Awesome flowing image in bw... appropriate title too! V
Nick Paoni05-Sep-2017 19:29
Presented like this it makes a wonderful natural abstract. Love the rich tones.
Wim Ensie05-Sep-2017 19:15
Fantastic Dan, a superb image!!!
Jim Coffman05-Sep-2017 19:09