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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites > Union Station at Dusk
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Union Station at Dusk

Denver, CO

One of the most photographed places in Denver so, of course, I needed to add my image of it.
Best viewed at original size.

Nikon D750 ,AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
1/30s f/8.0 at 20.0mm iso1000 (5 Exposure HDR) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
George McCarten06-May-2021 09:34
The group of three on the bottom right is the perfect added element!
Christian Dumont19-Mar-2017 07:53
I like the excellent framing and the B&W processing. V
Julie Oldfield15-Mar-2017 01:15
Incredible capture! It's so otherworldly. V
pkocinski13-Mar-2017 18:59
Awesome capture Dan!
Marcia Rules13-Mar-2017 13:00
I can't imagine this being done any better! BVVV
SLC_Images13-Mar-2017 06:13
Really like your perspective and the lighting and monotone is great...VT!
joseantonio13-Mar-2017 05:05
wow, what a great view so nicely framed. I have only been once in Denver and don´t remember this place.Ovviously I didn´t see everything there.V
Nick Paoni13-Mar-2017 02:24
There is so much to like about this shot including: the gorgeous lines; the wonderfully framed architecture; the people that add scale to the scene; and the amazing tones. Bravo. V
globalgadabout13-Mar-2017 00:55
what a progressive design...your image is impeccably the silvery look too...V
Neil Marcus13-Mar-2017 00:04
It is remarkable. Your image does it justice, Dan. Big vote.
J Ponces12-Mar-2017 23:32
How stunning! BV
Jola Dziubinska12-Mar-2017 23:14
Where modern meets old. Terrific capture, perfect pov, excellent B&W processing. V.
Range View 12-Mar-2017 22:32
Fantastic shot of this amazing structure Dan.