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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites > Undulating Hills
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Undulating Hills

Lewiston, ID

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Marcia Rules10-Sep-2017 23:44
A marvelous study of lines and space, paired with perfect tones. VVV
Wim Ensie01-Sep-2017 20:16
Superb Dan, really!!!
Sam Rua01-Sep-2017 01:48
Wow. More delicious layers. Love the depth here.
Darrel Giesbrecht 01-Sep-2017 00:02
great packed frame Dan!
Walter Otto Koenig31-Aug-2017 14:18
Great perspective, tones and lighting. Looks so good with this long focal length. The transmission towers add scale to this scene. "V"
globalgadabout31-Aug-2017 14:02
the folds of the earth prove mesmerizing here...your refined image is rich with subtle touches too..V
Nick Paoni31-Aug-2017 13:26
Great in black and white. Love the contours.
Jim Coffman31-Aug-2017 13:23
Neil Marcus31-Aug-2017 12:33
Beautiful light on these hills. "VV"
Graeme31-Aug-2017 11:53
This is absolutely amazing and looks so cool in monochrome too, Dan. Well done, I love it.VVV!
J Ponces31-Aug-2017 08:54
Fabulous! I feel just sorry for the power lines, and almost suggest the heresy of wiping them out in post? This is something I never do, but... BV
MarcViskens31-Aug-2017 05:15
Nice composition
Carol How31-Aug-2017 05:07
Drool, drool.... loving the grey tones in this beautiful endless composition! V