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Denise J T Lee | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eastern Canada tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Eastern Canada

I flew to Toronto with the intention to capture some Fall colours in Eastern Canada. After venturing to Niagara Falls in the rain, the next day I joined a rush tour covering Thousand Islands, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and Upper Canada Village in only 3 days. Unfortunately, 2 days out of 3 my group was followed by a storm. While shooting in the open area in Ottawa, both my hair and my camera were dripping .

The weather finally became steady when the tour reached Quebec and the Upper Canada Village. The following day, I was even able to take photos of University of Toronto under the beautiful blue sky before returning to New York. It was not a completely moist trip after all.

(All copyrights reserved)
:: Ottawa ::
:: Montreal ::
:: Quebec ::
:: Toronto ::
Upper Canada Village
:: Upper Canada Village ::
Thousand Islands
:: Thousand Islands ::
Niagara Falls
:: Niagara Falls ::
Along the highway
:: Along the highway ::