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Art Parnell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers and Insects > Monarch Caterpillar Entering Pupa Stage
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Monarch Caterpillar Entering Pupa Stage

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Guest 02-Aug-2007 02:15
woo, excellent capture..
Char16-Jul-2007 15:22
Hi Art,
Whoa, this is outstanding! Great progressive shots. \/
January Grey16-Jul-2007 05:35
Interesting! Great series, and outstanding captures.
Guest 14-Jul-2007 12:39
Fantastic series! How cool. V
Guest 14-Jul-2007 10:38
excellent work, chapeau.
Dennis Hoyne14-Jul-2007 03:18
Doesn't get much better than this. Voted
Guest 14-Jul-2007 02:26
Randy Carter
nice v