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Art Parnell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers and Insects > Birth of a Monarch
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Birth of a Monarch

Canon EOS 30D
1/100s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 01-Oct-2007 03:12
Now this is a butterfly image! Wow! Thanks! Voted!
January Grey29-Jul-2007 05:04
Amazing capture, Art! Not only educational, but beautiful too! V~
snootydog29-Jul-2007 03:57
This is amazing.
clark langley18-Jul-2007 12:53
you are a master at these!!
Bryan Murahashi18-Jul-2007 06:03
Beautiful capture. V
Karthik Raja18-Jul-2007 03:41
Simply Superb. Thank you.
Joanne Kamo18-Jul-2007 02:03
Outstanding work requiring a lot of patience! Wonderful timing! V
Guest 18-Jul-2007 01:59
Fabulous! V
Guest 18-Jul-2007 01:15
WOW! Big Vote.
Char17-Jul-2007 22:11
Hi Art,
This is amazing! Great capture. \/
Guest 17-Jul-2007 21:40
Randy Great shot v
Ilana gil17-Jul-2007 20:49
Fabluous photo...and very exciting !
Guest 17-Jul-2007 20:42
wow, wonderful.