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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Close Encounters >> Las Vegas 2009 > AmandaSimon.JPG
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Amanda with Simon at The Palms Hotel in Las Vegas on April 18th, 2009.
(Thanks Amanda)

Canon PowerShot A640
1/60s f/2.8 at 7.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
comment | share 27-Apr-2009 04:15
Lucky U Amanda-we met@the Palms&u wantd2hang by me on r way n2 the concert-please email back!hope ur feeling better robert-u were awesome@the pearl!!ur just like a dream!=p
Emi 26-Apr-2009 19:44
Is Simon wearing contacts? or is it just the light? Rrraarr, btw!