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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A640

Canon PowerShot A640 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 24-Aug-2006
Megapixels: 10
Random Canon PowerShot A640 Samples from 8620 available Photos more
g4/97/490897/3/90856688.6BaLq2tW.jpg g3/97/490897/3/93309278.8Qvyrr1u.jpg g3/97/490897/3/95058410.I4cx4K8r.jpg g3/97/490897/3/94735077.4GZPbYo0.jpg
g5/97/490897/3/100891242.T7uWlRPI.jpg g1/97/490897/3/103256548.5s7yTbSI.jpg g3/97/490897/3/93125997.YU4I6A7Z.jpg g4/97/490897/3/91800833.6KW5AzwU.jpg
g5/65/462465/3/99441049.15i4EbRR.jpg g3/97/490897/3/94733386.OXSc5GCq.jpg g5/78/857078/3/99536005.lChgBAbj.jpg g1/97/490897/3/103676128.3wc4HUOv.jpg

Guest 04-Jan-2007 02:36
Canon PowerShot A640 Links at :> - there are camera comparison notes and other related information. If you know of any other A640 sites, kindly leave a comment there pointing to them - thanks!
Guest 04-Nov-2006 00:10
I just bought one. It's not a bad little camera. I like the true 10 megapixels, it's fantastic for portraits in controlled lighting with a tripod. It's good at just about anything with a tripod actually. Unfortunately, due to the small sensor size and high megapixel count it doesn't perform very well in low light. Not nearly as well as I had hoped from the pictures on here. Noise increases a whole lot at an ISO setting higher than 80. The high ISO setting produces images that are almost unusable. You might be able to use them on a website displayed at 0.3 megapixels (640x480) because that's all the usable detail you get. It also has a problem with dynamic range - there's very little of it. Because of this it seems to overexpose or underexpose images when there's strong contrast in a scene. Unfortunately, it usually overexposes them. I also read somewhere that it supported CRW files. I can't seem to find anything about this in the documentation or menus. So I guess it doesn't. Too bad. It's probably better than the Samsung NV10 however. I read somwhere before buying it that it produced photos with bad chromatic aberration. This is entirely untrue. In fact it's better than any other prosumer camera (is this prosumer even?) I've ever tried before. Including the Nikon 8800, Fuji S7000 and the Olympus C8080WZ. It's incredible, I can see every tree branch against the background of a bright sky - with no chromatic aberration. Almost every NV10 photo on PBase with strong contrast has bad chromatic aberration. That's one good thing about the camera. If you want a small camera that fits in your pocket and takes nice large shots - this is one of the best.
Guest 02-Oct-2006 18:01
no, my sweet honey, it was a kind of mistake! I all love you!
Guest 02-Oct-2006 17:58
In fact, my sweet honey, Eric, I am a Frenchman, english is only my fourth language after french, slovak and dutch. So... It would be nice to be indulgent with me, unless you know more languages than me?
Not only that, but the real sensitivity of the A610 at 50 is 80. So...hmmm.
Sorry! Cassé abrutit!
Eric Hewis02-Oct-2006 17:38
Could I point out to jean86 that the A640 does not have a 50iso setting, stick to what you know, which seems to be bad language.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 19:55
Fuck that cam!!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 19:54
I have the a610 5 mpix and the quality is clearly better: TOO MUCH NOISE!!! even at 50 iso, there is a lot! And when compared to the 8 mpix a 630, the cheaper a 630 wins!
I advice you to buy, if you can find it, the a610 or the a620, you really won't see a difference in quality, except maybe for the stronger noise!
Eric Hewis15-Sep-2006 17:20
I've just bought one, I love it!
Guest 07-Sep-2006 11:47
Another noisy digicam with too many pixels on a small sensor.
Guest 30-Aug-2006 08:13
I need it, it´s not point and shoot, it have a complete manual mode. And if you want to make good big photos without buying a reflex, here is this precious camera. I need this type of camera to make my job, if you like to make posters you will need a 10 mp cam, if you don´t have enough money to buy a reflex, and to pay 300$ to buy new lens, better to buy this camera
Kevin Fasken28-Aug-2006 04:15
Who the hell needs a 10 Megapixel point-and-shoot?

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