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25-JUN-2005 © Stuart Clyne

There was a rehearsal today for Singapore's 40th National Day Parade.
I had heard there would be a fly-past and took a guess that the planes would come from the west.
I hoped I'd catch them emerging between the Esplanade Theatre roofs.
I was close, but not close enough.

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Barry S Moore31-Oct-2007 20:09
Wonderful composition
arminb08-Jan-2006 07:50
Guest 15-Jul-2005 14:10
beautiful shot
joshishots04-Jul-2005 16:57
Wow, I think you totally succeeded with this shot, it was a beautiful day - not often we see a blue sky like this. I heard these go over as I was just over at the Musuem on Boat Quay. Great capture!
Guest 26-Jun-2005 01:03
Beautiful shot!
JeremyGood25-Jun-2005 18:36
Awesome composition.
markvm25-Jun-2005 17:25
Excellent lighting. It makes the image for me.
Guest 25-Jun-2005 16:24
this is unreal. Excellent picture, I thought it was honey comb with kind of plants
Guest 25-Jun-2005 15:28
Close enough to create a wonderful image Stuart.
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