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by the window

Little moment of quiet contemplation taken of daughter, Liz
at one of our favorite dining spots, on the way home yesterday.

Canon PowerShot S50
1/500s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Karen Leaf12-Aug-2005 02:50
Did you make her trade places so you could get this remarkable light on her hair? Nicely done Cliff.
Guest 11-Aug-2005 05:00
I think she was going "Dadddddddd"
jypsee10-Aug-2005 21:36
Geez.. is there a resemblance, or what??? beautiful exposure...
Argishti Khachik10-Aug-2005 15:50
Very nice!
Josy's Pics10-Aug-2005 14:20
Nice use of the light!, well done.
Robin Reid10-Aug-2005 13:48
Creative eye and very nicely done Cliff.
Karen Stuebing10-Aug-2005 08:50
The bright sun really lights up her blonde hair. Pretty woman and portrait shot.
Jackdad10-Aug-2005 08:35
like the stripes across her hair.
Pepe Zyman10-Aug-2005 08:26
Very nice portrait.
Susanne10-Aug-2005 05:57
I love the pattern of those blinds against this woman.