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Stave Lake
Stave Lake
End of season sunflowers
End of season sunflowers
v3/30/329430/3/48731078.Roadbacknet.jpg v3/30/329430/3/48675149.BigThundernet.jpg
Finish !
Finish !
Summer 2005
Summer 2005
Thomas, Tracy  and  Ethel
Thomas, Tracy and Ethel
Pot of Gold !
Pot of Gold !
Birthday Boys
Birthday Boys
Rear hub
Rear hub
A log shot
A log shot
This is fun !
This is fun !
Water with lemon.
Water with lemon.
Family portrait
Family portrait
Steveston. B.C. - Fish-sale docks
Steveston. B.C. - Fish-sale docks
'Bering Sea'
'Bering Sea'
 by the window
by the window
Headquarters of the B.C. Marijuana Party and Marc Emery Seed Store net.jpg
Headquarters of the B.C. Marijuana Party and Marc Emery Seed Store net.jpg
Ethel through the finish !
Ethel through the finish !
Triathlon training  (old guy version)  -  The Swim
Triathlon training (old guy version) - The Swim
Eileen Ivers  at the Mission Folk Festival July 23, 2005
Eileen Ivers at the Mission Folk Festival July 23, 2005
Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing
Okanagan apricots
Okanagan apricots
Handsome Fella
Handsome Fella
Peacock #1
Peacock #1
Slightly tattered butterfly
Slightly tattered butterfly
Jamie and  Barney
Jamie and Barney
Flower wagon
Flower wagon
Dusty old Model T
Dusty old Model T
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