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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot S50

Canon PowerShot S50 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Mar-2003
Megapixels: 5
Random Canon PowerShot S50 Samples from 13596 available Photos more
g4/43/360643/3/133553804.a0OXSFRk.jpg v3/96/264096/1/50657534.AZLEOPimaRanger.jpg g5/55/697155/3/67433662.SFfc8jhG.jpg u40/bennyyune/medium/40178836.IMG_0147.jpg
g6/44/750244/3/75715743.zG3qmxgj.jpg g2/43/360643/3/148610580.bxUaw36z.jpg u42/lpahern/medium/27176892.161_6177.jpg u32/ree3333/medium/31564248.107_0709.jpg
g3/03/455403/3/58500573.SaultEscalierfleuri.jpg v3/09/494709/3/45716449.img_3898_rz.jpg u38/jboyer/medium/32120957.cammacAlbum07.jpg u7/bennyyune/medium/41236191.UMBER.jpg

Guest 26-Nov-2006 02:54
Very good camera. Lasted through my deployment to Iraq.
Guest 30-Sep-2006 14:04
This is my first digital camera!...i just love it...very good quality and simple to use!

Check out my photos using this camera at
Guest 05-Dec-2005 19:55
this camera has served me well, very good quality and portable

check out my photos from hawaii, etc.. using this camera at

all originals, no other processing done besides auto color/contrast.
Guest 16-Dec-2004 23:27
The Canon S50 is one of the best compact digicams ever made and takes a photo of quite extraordinary beauty. So simple to use, yet so powerful. It can be used as a pont 'n shoot, but the true excellence of the S50 lies in the amount of features the user has at his/her disposal and your photos are limited only by your own creative abilities. I use this camera for mainly for trips and 'quick' pics, but my EOS 10D does the portrait stuff these days. Nice work Canon!

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